National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day (August 22nd)

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For those folks who might be struggling to decide what to do towards the end of August, it may be a big relief to know that one special day is National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day (except for people who don’t have a cat, that is).

History of National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day

Bizarre though this might sound, there is, in fact, a very legitimate purpose to this annual occasion. While humans are used to visiting the dentist, doctor and optician regularly for Health assessments, many cat owners forget to take their Pet felines to the vet for check-ups and instead only when a medical problem arises.

But prevention is, of course, very important. Those who choose not to take their cat to the vet on a regular basis may find that they have costly bills which might otherwise have been avoided if routine checks, worming, inoculations and blood screening were carried out.

In other words, the best way for people to celebrate National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day is by doing just what the day says. Helping a feline friend to stay supple and Healthy by identifying any medical problems long before they require extensive and expensive treatment is the perfect way to enjoy the day!

How to Celebrate National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day

National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day has some obvious implications for how to observe it, but there are also some other ways to enjoy the day, such as some of these:

Take Kitty to the Vet

In advance of National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day, go ahead and call the veterinarian to make an appointment for bringing that kitty cat in for a regular check. And if the cat has been to the vet recently, then perhaps make an appointment to take them to the pet groomer instead.

Those who don’t have a veterinarian that they currently use can find a number of different helpful resources online, including vets that are marked as specialized cat friendly practices.

Not sure how to get a cat to the vet? It’s true that it can be a bit of a complicated procedure for a cat that doesn’t like to leave home. Check out some of these tips:

  • Break in their cat carrier. Making the cat carrier a regular part of their home helps Felix to feel more comfortable when it’s time to go.
  • Introduce the carrier days or even weeks before it’s time to travel to the vet. Fill it with familiar bedding or other favorite toys.
  • Encourage the cat with treats or toys to entice them to get inside the carrier.
  • For cats who don’t like their carrier, try cleaning it to clear out any stress hormones that might still be present.

Make a Donation to a Cat Rescue Charity

For those who don’t have a cat, or who have already taken their cat to the vet, another good way to celebrate National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day might be to help pay for a vet appointment for a cat that doesn’t have a home. Animal shelters typically function on financial donations to be able to provide the care that stray cats need, including shots, spaying or neutering, worm medicines and more. This is a great time to help out a cat in need by making a donation to a shelter that helps homeless Animals.

Show Some Cat Appreciation Day

National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day might be a great time to show some extra love and attention to that kitty. Head over to the Pet store to pick up some of the cat’s favorite treats, a toy or a new scratching post. Although cats can sometimes be a little distant, this is a good day to help them find a little more joy in life!


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