Global Community Engagement Day (January 28th)

Days Of The Year Calendar 2023 - Now Available!

Community Engagement is process of working collaboratively with community groups to address issues that impact the well-being of those groups. While the term seems obscure, community engagement is a concept that is part of every person’s lives. Every job that you have had does something for your community and working with people to solve problems within the community is a daily activity for those who work for high-end companies and government organizations. Global Community Engagement Day is all about giving appreciation for those people. Let’s learn about what community engagement is all about and how the holiday came to be.

History of Global Community Engagement Day

Global Community Engagement Day began as an idea started by Engage 2 Act, a organization that aims to progress community engagement practice by bringing people together to talk about important issues in their community. Engage 2 Act started as a small group in Southern Australia who wanted to reach out to people all over the world about what they do for community engagement. Because they wanted to put the holiday on the global map, they began a poll, asking their social media followers what pioneer of community engagement stands out to them. Whoever answered the question the best will have their birthday used as their official holiday date.

Once the polls were taken, they chose the answer from Dr. Wendy Sarkissian and chose her birthday as the official holiday for global community engagement. Engage 2 Act has since been celebrating the holiday since its foundation, hosting a blog comPetition. By submitting their blogs and broadcasting what each individual does for their blog, and winners with the best blogs would get Engage 2 Act merchandise. People on social media are also encouraged to celebrate this holiday by broadcasting what they do for their communities and connecting with others who do the same.

How to Celebrate Global Community Engagement Day

One of the things you can do to celebrate Global Community Engagement Day is by organizing events with your fellow community such as a brunch or a Business meeting. Organize an event where you ask your coworkers what you think community engagement means and how you believe your job impact the world as a whole. You can also post on social media about global community engagement by hashtagging #globalcommunityengagementday on your favorite social media websites, asking your friends what they think community engagement is all about and celebrating it with your friends.


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