Pet Theft Awareness Day (February 14th)

Days Of The Year Calendar 2023 - Now Available!

Pet Theft Awareness Day is meant to call attention to the importance of Pet identification methods. It is a day for considering just how much the presence of an animal can enrich a family and also the responsibility that goes with it. It is a day that encourages those with Pets to take steps to ensure the animal’s security and their own peace of mind.

Launched in 1988 by the Last Chance for Animals organisation, Pet Theft Awareness Day is aimed at educating animal owners in keeping their Pets safe from thieves. With almost 2 million Pets being stolen annually in American alone, the threat is real. Two options are to have Pets micro-chipped or tattooed, which can provide an opportunity for some group bonding. An indelible imprint denoting who belongs to who can bind a couple and their Pets until death do them part. Not for the more fickle though.


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