National Beagle day (April 22nd)

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Beagles were bred to be hunting dogs, but now they’re some of the most popular Pet dogs around. In fact, they’re so popular that their fans created National Beagle Day to celebrate them.

Learn about Beagle Day

Beagle Day is essentially an opportunity for all beagle lovers to come together (in person or online) and share everything they love about beagles.

It’s also often used as an opportunity to raise the profile of beagles by fundraising for good causes. This is often done by special, beagle-themed events. For example, a Beagle Day walk means that beagles now hold the world record for the largest single-breed dog walk. The event featured a total of 1,029 beagles (and their human friends).

History of Beagle Day

Even though beagles are a very ancient dog breed, Beagle Day is a relatively modern creation. It was first officially recognized in 2017. Since then, it’s grown each year, although it’s still mainly an online event.

How to celebrate Beagle Day

Since Beagle Day is getting bigger and better every year, it’s always worth looking online to see if somebody is organizing an event in your area. If you live in a larger metropolis, you may be spoiled for choice. If there isn’t, then maybe you could think about organizing your own. Beagles are so popular, there are bound to be fellow beagle-lovers near where you are.

If you’re not up for organizing or joining a real-world event, you might want to think about supporting beagles in some other way. There’s lots of beagle-related merchandise available. Some of it is sold by artisans and small Businesses. Some of it is sold for good causes, generally beagle-related. Sometimes it’s both.

You could also think about contributing to a beagle-related event. A lot of them are run for good causes, such as beagle-related charities. Alternatively, see if you can help out in some way that doesn’t require you to attend on the day. For example, perhaps you could help spread the word online.

Join in the fun online

Even though Beagle Day is definitely being celebrated more in the real world, it’s still mainly an online event. The main social media platforms all have beagle-related groups. These tend to be active all year round, but they get particularly active around Beagle Day. New members are always welcome and Beagle Day is a great time to join in the fun.

Beagle Day is the time when all beagle lovers dig out and post their best photos and videos. It really is cuteness overload. You can join in by posting yours. Don’t worry if they’re not technically the best. Anything with a beagle in it is bound to go down well. If you’re not up to posting your own photos and videos, you can just enjoy other people’s.

Last but not least, you can use Beagle Day as an opportunity to educate yourself on this wonderful dog breed. Not only will that help you to give the best, possible care to any beagle you own, but it will also enable you to offer help and guidance to anyone who needs it.


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