Morning Show Hosts Day (September 27th)

Days Of The Year Calendar 2023 - Now Available!

Always be yourself. At the end of the day, that’s all you’ve really got; when you strip everything down, that’s all you’ve got, so always be yourself.

Al Roker

Morning Show Host day is dedicated towards watching and appreciating your morning talk show hosts before you go to work. It is also made to educate you on the popularity of morning talk show hosts and how they came to be. So pick up your TV remotes and watch your favorite morning show! There’s a lot of talent and decision making that goes into the face you see every morning, so why not learn about it?

History of Morning Show Hosts Day

TV Networks like ABC, NBC, and CBS all rate their morning show hosts based off of Q Scores, a data analysis company that tracks the ratings of TV personalities so that way their clients find the most compatible resources for their brand. So, for shows like Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, and the Today show, there’s a lot of consideration that goes into the hiring process of these hosts. However, it is undeniable that these hosts are talented. They essentially have to keep the attention span of their audience throughout their show, and for those who wake up early in the morning and are getting ready for their day, it can be a difficult task.

Morning Talk Shows aim their information towards two audience groups; those heading off to work and those staying to watch the show. The early morning segments are generated towards hard news; often featuring updates on major stories that occurred overnight or during the previous day, political news, interviews, Business/Sports, weather forecasts (either on a national or regional basis), and traffic reports. The second half for those staying to watch the show is aimed towards a softer news segment, where the hosts report about human interests, Lifestyle, and Entertainment.

How to celebrate Morning Show Hosts Day

When it comes to seeing your favorite TV show host in the morning, know that there’s a lot of work and consideration that goes into each decision made by TV channels. What you can do to celebrate Morning Show Hosts Day is watch an episode with your friends and discuss who’s your favorite host and why. Another thing you can do is research about the people you’re seeing and learn about how and why they became the face of the show.


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