Brain Awareness Week (Mar 11th to Mar 17th)

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An incredible organ that continues to fascinate scientists and researchers as they learn more about it, the brain is worth paying attention to! Brain Awareness Week is here to create and build on opportunities to get people thinking about and learning more about their brains, the ways they work, and the Science behind them. 

History of Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week (BAW) has a background that can be traced back to 1996 when it was started by a charitable organization called the Dana Foundation. The purpose behind this event was to encourage the public by letting people know about the progress that is being done in brain research, as well as various updates on the ways that brain disorders of the brain are diagnosed, treated and prevented.

This global campaign has been working for more than 25 years to foster enthusiasm and support for the Sciences of the brain. From hosting exciting activities for kids in local schools or community centers to sharing the wonder of the brain through Educational seminars at colleges and universities to encouraging initiatives within medical communities, Brain Awareness Week is expressed in a number of different ways throughout communities and all over the world.

Some outreach activities that take place during Brain Awareness Week are funded through grants with partners such as the Federation of European NeuroScience Societies and the International Brain Research Organization. Grants help participants to increase their audience and expanded their reach to get the word out about brain Science, research and more.

How to Celebrate Brain Awareness Week

Get that brain in gear and get ready to have some mind-bending fun by participating in Brain Awareness Week! The options for celebrating are almost endless for a creative brain, but it might be fun to get started with some of these ideas:

Host a Brain Awareness Week Event

The organizers of Brain Awareness Week invite schools, community groups, professional associations, government  agencies, outreach organizations, advocacy groups, corporations and so many others to get involved with this week by hosting outreach events. To assist with outreaches, the BAW website provides a number of different resources that include activities, ideas, social media toolkits, graphics and more. 

Learn More About the Brain 

Adults and kids alike can get more excited about brain Science by learning and sharing interesting facts about the brain with others. Check out some of these to help get the juices flowing in preparation for Brain Awareness Week:

  • Sixty percent of the human brain is made up of fatty acids, making it the fattiest organ in the human body.

  • Brain science research has shown that the storage capacity for the brain is basically unlimited, with about 86 billion neurons and up to 1 quadrillion connections.

  • While some people think people only use 10% of their brains, that’s a myth and people are always using all of their brains – even when sleeping the brain is working.

  • The human brain can generate approximately 23 watts of power, which is enough energy to power a lightbulb!


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