Wear A Hat Day (March 31st, 2023)

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Some Days Of The Year are just for fun. Some Days Of The Year are for a good cause. But this day happens to combine both aspects in a delightful celebration that is both enjoyable and also works toward making the world a better, Healthier place. Now is the time for Wear a Hat Day!

History of Wear a Hat Day

While the prognosis for people with brain tumors is much better than it used to be years ago, the fact is that brain tumors are still a serious problem. In fact, research suggests that brain tumors kill more children and people under 40 years old than any other cancer.

Getting its start through the Brain Tumor Research foundation in the UK, Wear a Hat Day has been growing in popularity since its inception. In fact, it is so much enjoyed that they have also added a couple of extra days throughout the year, including Wear a Hat with Flowers Day in the month of June, as well as Wear a Christmas Hat Day in the month of December.

Today, Wear a Hat Day acts as an important way to have a little fun by wearing a hat, but also using that fun to make a difference for people with brain tumors. It’s a win for everyone.

How to Celebrate Wear a Hat Day

Enjoy raising awareness for a celebrating Wear a Hat Day by implementing a few different ideas, such as some of these:

Wear a Hat

The obvious choice for celebrating Wear a Hat Day is to, of course, wear a hat! Whether it’s a basic black fedora or a more unique number decorated with sequins and feathers, this is the perfect day to pull that hat out of the closet – or buy a new one – and wear it for a good cause.

Just remember, when wearing that hat, to use it as a launching opportunity to explain to friends, neighbors and other folks about the reason behind Wear a Hat Day, which is to find a cure for brain tumors.

Fundraise on Wear a Hat Day

This is a great time to get coworkers, colleagues or community members to band together to raise money for a good cause. Whether through kids at schools, work-related events or other activities, Wear a Hat Day offers a convenient opportunity to collect funds that can easily be donated directly to a brain tumor research foundation.

Make a Donation

Those who aren’t necessarily able to raise funds in their community can still make a difference as individuals by making a donation to any sort of a research fund for brain tumors or cancer. One suggestion for those in the UK is to make a donation to the Brain Tumor Research fund, which is responsible for founding Wear a Hat Day. The National Brain Tumor Society in the US is another notable charity that not only does research but also offers support services, advocacy and more.


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