National Yellow Bat Day (April 21st)

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Join in on showing respect and appreciation for a secret US Army intelligence agency that got its start in the 1960s. Learn more about and celebrate National Yellow Bat Day!

History of National Yellow Bat Day

National Yellow Bat Day was established to commemorate and celebrate the Army Security Agency, which used to be a branch of intelligence for the US Army. This agency was activated on April 21, 1967, when the 265th airborne division got its start as part of the efforts to manage intelligence and information for the Vietnam War.

The 265th division has an official insignia, which is a caricature of a black bat that resides on a yellow background. The idea behind the symbol is related to the fact that bats are often a sign of mystery and secrecy, with nighttime observation abilities. This seemed to be a fitting symbol for an agency whose job it was to provide surveillance and support for intelligence work. The motto of the agency was “Through the Night Below”, which is also fitting when related to the symbol of the black bat on a yellow background.

While some people might get the yellow bat symbol confused with the symbol for the DC Comics character, the two are slightly different. However, they did emerge at around the same time, but Batman’s logo may actually have come first. Its yellow oval with a black bat was created in 1966.

Eventually, the Army Security Agency (ASA) was merged with other parts of the organization, forming the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command, which has been active from 1977 to the present time.

Even though the 265th is no more, the agency is still celebrated and the Yellow Bat insignia is honored. The first National Yellow Bat Day got its official start until 2016, when it was launched by Doug Bonnot, who had been a part of the original 265th Radio Research Company (RRC). The day has been celebrated annually ever since.

How to Celebrate National Yellow Bat Day

Pay honor and respect to those special army intelligence folks by getting involved with National Yellow Bat Day. Try out some of these ideas:

Read The Sentinel and The Shooter

This memoir was written by Doug Bonnot, who was a member of the 265th RRC and also was the founder of National Yellow Bat Day. A great way to pay heed to National Yellow Bat Day might be to start reading this book to learn more about the activities of such a secret society including international intrigue, guarded communications, member anonymity and organizational secrecy.

Host a National Yellow Bat Day Gathering

Whether it’s a group of folks who are well-versed on the inner workings of Army intelligence, or simply a gathering of those who appreciate the work of the armed forces, National Yellow Bat Day is a fun excuse to throw a party! Host a barbecue, invite some friends and family members who are veterans, and learn more about this interesting and clandestine activity that happened many decades ago.


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