National Garlic Day (April 19th)

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Garlic is beloved by a variety of cultures, with many people saying that there can never be too much garlic in a dish or a meal. For those people who love garlic, then garlic day is the perfect day!

National Garlic Day celebrates the history of garlic, in addition to its glorious taste and its incredible health benefits. National Garlic Day helps experts and average people alike to explore the history of this bulb, learning how it came to be one of the most popular flavors in the world.

The appreciation of garlic is never greater than on National Garlic Day!

History of National Garlic Day

Garlic is known as one of the most essential flavoring bulbs that have been used throughout human history. Wild garlic has been traced back to Central Asia more than 5000 years ago. While today garlic is now considered a significant part of Mediterranean cuisine, the ancient Romans weren’t actually massive fans of it, although their soldiers did use it to inspire courage.

The earliest uses of garlic in cooking were by the people of the Medieval and Renaissance times. It was only used in small doses in sauces because it was considered to be a peasant-food since it is technically just a root dug up from the ground. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that garlic was recognized by culinary chefs.

Garlic is now included in many dishes from different cultures, ranging along the Mediterranean, Italian, and French cuisines, as well as a variety of others. In American cuisine, it is thought that food critics such as James Beard and Craig Claiborne popularized garlic during the 20th century.

Garlic is also known for its magical and medicinal properties! These stretch so far as to include the ability to ward off creatures such as vampires, werewolves, and demons, but this may also just imply that the person who has eaten garlic has a bit of bad breath!

In addition to magical powers, garlic is known to have herbal medicinal properties, including being able to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

Today, garlic festivals exist throughout local towns in various places as garlic is used in many dishes all over the world.

So, why not grab a clove or two, peel them, and use them for the next dinner during National Garlic Day!

How to Celebrate National Garlic Day

To celebrate National Garlic Day, head on over to a local grocery store and get some fresh cloves of garlic or minced garlic. Bulbs can be found with the produce, while pre-minced garlic is sometimes available in a jar. Try out some favorite savory Recipes and add garlic as a nice touch for a classic solution or a new twist.

Some of the best ways to celebrate National Garlic Day Celebration might include:

Join the Festivities at a Garlic Festival

Head on over to a garlic festival near you and enjoy all the creations people have made with this robust plant. Festivals are held throughout the year in Canada, Turkey, Australia, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, and other places.

Events often include different garlic-themed culinary treasures (garlic beer or garlic fudge, anyone?), garlic weaving, garlic poem-writing contests, garlic golf, garlic balancing Games, and so much more. 

Cook with More Garlic

Of course, the simplest way to celebrate garlic is to add more of it in the kitchen. It’s healthy, easily stored, and inexpensive. People on this day might choose to celebrate by using garlic in their recipes, which might include making garlic bread, a tomato sauce or garlic chicken. So buy a garlic press and get started adding it to recipes!

Visit the “Garlic Capital of the World” 

Head on over to Gilroy, California, the garlic capital of the world, for those who truly want a taste of everything related to garlic. Hosting over three million visitors in its 30 year, garlicky History, this town’s festival offers Games, crafts, comPetitions and various other activities all centered around the theme of garlic. Even in the off-season, there’s plenty to do, including shopping for garlic-related gifts at The Garlic Shoppe.

They even serve Garlic Ice Cream in this town!

Start Using Garlic for Your Health

Make some herbal remedies and see how garlic might bring improvement to health as well as life overall. For ease of use, garlic can be found at health food stores in pill form. Or, for even more zing, use freshly chopped or crushed garlic in salad dressings, marinades or even mixed with honey and hot water to create a potent tea. Garlic can also be used to create a homemade cough syrup.

Host a Garlic Party

Share this holiday with friends and family by hosting a garlic-themed party, handing out tasty treats and enjoying its savory flavor. Have guests bring their favorite dish that includes garlic. For entertainment, try some of the ideas inspired by activities at the garlic festivals.

And for a costume-themed party, ask guests to dress up as their favorite garlic-related character (fictional or otherwise), such as these:

  • Dracula, the vampire in Bram Stoker’s fictional tales, who is warded off when a character wears a wreath of garlic to keep her safe
  • Werewolf, another character which folklore reveals to be kept away by garlic
  • Garlic Junior, anime fans know this is a fictional demon that appears in Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone
  • Greek Olympic Athletes, in ancient times, these athletes were expected to eat a lot of garlic in order to improve their performance
  • Roman Soldiers, ancient guards and soldiers were rumored to have used garlic to give them courage and inspiration


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