National Lost Dog Awareness Day (April 23rd)

We all had that best friend as a kid, that floppy eared ball of fur who was always excited to see us, no matter what our day had been like. They asked nothing from us but a pile of cuddles and scruff of the ear, and maybe the last bit of our sandwich. Sometimes these furry family members would go out into the world on a grand adventure, always intending to return home but never quite able to find their way. Wouldn’t it be great if there was an organization who stood to help these stalwart companions find their way home? National Lost Dog Awareness Day was organized by just such a group, and is a day dedicated to helping our furbaby’s find their way home.
History of National Lost Dog Awareness Day
All too often, when someone finds a lost and wandering dog along the street, they assume that this dog is a stray, and has no home. Lost Dogs of America (LDOA) was formed to help prove this assumption wrong, and help those wayward mutts find their way back to their owners and friends. The organization was established in 2011, and in 2013 established National Lost Dog Awareness Day. Over those years they have helped 42,000 dogs find their way back to their loving homes.
One of their success stories is a dog by the name of Molly who wandered away from her home in Illinois. Thanks to a flurry of postings across a series of Facebook groups, Molly was quickly identified when the person who found her took her to be scanned for a microchip. While Molly didn’t have one, the vet noticed Molly’s image on Lost Dogs
How to celebrate National Lost Dog Awareness Day
Start off by upping your furry
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